Hanna Epping
Psychological Online Counseling & Coaching
Richard-Wagner-Strasse 40
50674 Cologne
Phone: 01703379201
E-Mail: psy.epping@gmail.com
Legal professional title
Ms. M. Sc. Psych. Hanna Epping bears the professional title "Psychological Psychotherapist".
The professional title was awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Medical registration number KVNO: 2783498
Responsible association of panel doctors
Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians North Rhine
Tersteegenstraße 9, 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: (02 11) 59 70-0 Fax: (02 11) 59 70-82 87 E-mail: kvno.hauptstelle [at] kvno.de
Registration number in the psychotherapists' register: 2783498
Competent supervisory authority according to §6 No. 3 TDG
Chamber of Psychotherapists NRW
Willstätterstraße 10, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: 0211 - 52 28 47 -0, Fax: 0211 - 52 28 47 1 E-mail: info [at] psychotherapeutenkammer.de, Internet: www.ptk-nrw.de
Sales tax identification number
For coaching and consulting tax identification number: to be added
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