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Psychological Counseling
& Coaching online

„ Man is the best medicine for man.”

~  chinese proverb


Nice to have you here!
Here you can inform yourself about my work and offers.

Hanna Epping

I am a psychological psychotherapist and currently work as a psychological counselor and coach online. In my work I accompany clients individually with life issues such as self-worth, fears (including fears of commitment), states of exhaustion, crises, dealing with feelings or conflicts and other issues that concern them.


Do you feel increasingly burdened by an issue in your everyday life? Do you feel an increased pressure of suffering or do you perhaps perceive an inner striving for personal development and increased well-being? These are possible indications that professional support may be helpful for you.

Please feel free to contact me!

About me

Key data at a glance
Hanna Epping
M. Sc. Psychologist – Psychological Psychotherapist – Consultant – Coach
Professional background
  • Studies of psychology at the WWU Münster and at the University of Trier

  • Training as a behavior therapist at the Academy for Behavioral Therapy in Cologne

  • State license as a psychological psychotherapist with entry in the medical register

  • Qualifications for suggestive methods and implementation of group therapies

  • PBSP (Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor)® individual therapist (a body- and experience-oriented method)

Field of work and practice


  • Extensive therapeutic experience in outpatient and clinical-psychiatric settings

  • Several years of work in the pain outpatient clinic in Leverkusen and in private practice

  • Video-based psychological counseling, coaching

Coaching & Counseling

Here you can find out more about my services and conditions, my focus areas and who my offer is aimed at. 

Offers & Services



Coaching & Counseling

Here you can find out more about my services and conditions, my focus areas and who my offer is aimed at. 

Please feel free to contact me

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